There is no freedom without the law. Without clear unity of purpose, each person will seek their own way, while forgetting that others have needs and desires too. The heart of the law is mercy.

About Me / You / Us / Them

As of right now, “us” is just me. My name is Joe Chavez and I’m a lifelong resident of Albuquerque NM.

I’m hoping that very soon the “us” will be a group of like minded people who believe that the answers to all the problems we have can be solved by living to learn together in peace according to a reasonable set of “house rules.”

When I was about 6 years old, my dad told me what the house rules were. There was only 1 rule, and it simply said “as long as you live under my roof, you will do what I tell you to do. And when the day comes that you can't do that, you know where the door is. Use that door and get out of my house.” I remember asking my father “aren’t I a member of this family too? Don't I have any rights?” He said “sure, you have the right to do what I say, or get out of my house.”

I remember thinking to myself “that’s not fair, but I do like having a bed to sleep in at night, and clothes to wear, and food to eat when I’m hungry. I don’t like your rules, but I’ll live by them until the minute I’m old enough to get out from under your roof.” “Then, I’m out of here!” While I hated the way that made me feel, I sure learned a lot about obeying rules, and living peacefully in someone else's house.

In 1990 my son, Jason was killed by a drunk driver who ran a red light while Jason was going through a green light.

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