Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. Matthew 12:25
Aug 28, 2019
Category(s): Worldly vs. Godly, 
Posted by: Brother Joe

2020 Formula For Healing

Begin with Honesty - When we put God first, the bible shows us the difference between good and evil.

Then add Common Sense - Each person's conscious sense of the difference between right and wrong.

Then add Content of the Heart - Our Unconscious sense of right and wrong. Who we are deep inside.

Then add Content of the Days News - A daily picture of what's right and wrong in our world that day.

All these things combined tell us what is, what should be, and we can unite and work together to increase the good things in ourselves and in our world. And, at the same time, identify what's wrong or undesirable in our world and take action to resolve those things that need improvement.

which step have you reached today?


Honesty With Accountability + Common Sense + Content of the Heart + The Daily News = The Unity of Purpose and Cooperation of all Like-Minded Participants, that will allow all people to work together to heal our current problems.



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